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Articles found for "author:Dale Smock"

A Closer Look At The Pros And Cons Of Alternatively Fueled Vehicles

Due to growing concerns over environmental sustainability and energy efficiency, a number of alternatives to traditional unleaded gasoline have emerged as viable choices for vehicle fuels.

Author: Dale Smock

The Art Of Finding "green" Home Appliances

When it comes to electronic home appliances, cost is a relative concern.

Author: Dale Smock

Facts - And Fictions! - About Credit Reports And Credit Scores

Chances are, if you've even taken a passing glance at a television commercial, heard a radio ad or seen an internet pop-up, you've seen some nonsense or another about a free credit report or credit score.

Author: Dale Smock

Avoiding Peak Travel Days May Not Always Be Necessary To Save On Airfare

In the past, you might have found it cost-effective to avoid traveling on a commercial airliner on certain dates.

Author: Dale Smock

Rave Over The Fall Colors In Ontario, Canada

The wide spectrum of vibrant colors that the leaves falling from trees take on during the autumn months is often nothing short of mind-blowing.

Author: Dale Smock

Home Improvements On A Budget

Just about everyone wants to improve his home at some point.

Author: Dale Smock

Bringing Green Habits Into The Workplace

It can be difficult to live a sustainable lifestyle when those around you aren't as environmentally conscious.

Author: Dale Smock

Eating Lunch At Your Desk Might Not Be The Best Idea

The day in the life of the average employee working an office job in a corporate setting can, in most instances, only be described as hectic.

Author: Dale Smock
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